Sunday, January 26, 2020


How  to Use
Little Newton Singapore Math
(For Teachers)

Teacher Dashboard


1. Create Class
2. Homework Tracking
3. Classroom Lesson
4. Create Worksheet ***NEW FEATURE***
5. Progress Report
6. Lesson Plan
7. Schedule Comlab
8. Video Lessons ***NOT YET AVAILABLE***
9 Create Homework
10. Message Admin
11. Lesson Plan


Description: The purpose of the 'CREATE CLASS' feature is for the user to be able to create SUB CLASSES. 

By default, teachers will see the list of students arranged on a PER GRADE LEVEL and SECTION. These groups will be seen at the left side panel of the CREATE CLASS dashboard. ***please see picture above***


Step 1: To create your sub groups, all you have to do is to click the button "+Create a New Group"

Step 2: Create a Group Name

For the purpose of this tutorial, let's call the sub group name "MATH OLYMPIADS"

IMPORTANT: It is important to create a sub-group in order for teachers to customize their teaching approach by giving the appropriate activities to their students on a by skill level. Students inside a classroom will have different learning abilities and teachers must be able to identify each. That being said, teachers must also be able to enhance the capabilities of each student by giving the appropriate level of exercises / activities to their students. 

Little Newton Singapore Math LMS will help teachers assign homework, seat work, computer lab activities, and worksheets to each student in just a few clicks of a button. Each activity can be sent individually or to a group or sub-group. That way, teachers can easily send different sets of activities to different groups in just a few clicks, which makes the 'CREATE CLASS' feature very important as this will help teachers maximize their effort giving them more time for teaching, other school work and even for personal matters.

STEP 3: Choose the students from the main groups / classes (Groups made by default)

By clicking the drop down button, the system will show the different groups already prepared by default. Each group will show you the list of students per grade level. 

Let's say you want to show ALL of the students under your center or school, all you have to do is choose 'ALL SECTION'

Step 4: Look for the name of student and click the 'ADD' button. 

Use the 'ADD BUTTON' if you want to add an individual student 
Use the 'ADD ENTIRE CLASS' if you want to add an entire class or group

Once added, you should see the name of the student at the right side of the dashboard under the 'NEW GROUP NAME LIST' ***sample is show above with the student name Chantal Cruz Mesina***

You may also remove the name of the student in the list by clicking the 'REMOVE' button if you wish to remove the student from the list.

IMPORTANT: You may only remove a student from a sub-group list. If you wish to remove a student from your main groups, please send a request by sending us an email. Deletion of student account will be done within 24 working hours after we have received your request. 



Step 5: Click the 'SAVE' button

Once saved, you should see the sub-group at the right side of the dashboard.

To see if you did it correctly, check the left side of the dashboard and click 'CREATE CLASS' again. 

As seen in the picture above, your MATH OLYMPIAD sub group has been created. Under the sub-group name, you will see two buttons; 'EDIT' and 'DELETE'. 

Edit - to add or remove a student or students inside the sub-group.
Delete - to delete the entire sub-group


Homework tracking is a feature where teachers can monitor homework submissions, the number of homework activities sent and which group received the homework. The importance of this feature is for teachers to easily monitor homework activities. Teachers can also easily see the study habits of the students and the diligence of students when homework. 

NOTE: Students can only access the system from 6am to 10pm daily. Teachers can set a deadline for homework. If the student was not able to answer the homework before 10pm, the student won't be able to answer it anymore and will be tagged as INCOMPLETE. This is an indication that the teacher must tap the student's study habits by reminding the student to be responsible by making sure that homework is done before 10pm. The system lock-down is also imposed to ensure parents that their students won't be able to develop the attitude of 'cramming' which can lead to stress and other stress related issues once they grow older. The system lock-down will also impose and teach the students to be responsible in managing their time at an early age. 

As seen in the picture above, the dashboard for Homework Tracking will show you the list of homework set by the teacher. The teacher has the ability to:

DELETE - delete the entire homework
EDIT - Edit the number of items set in the homework as well as the recipients of the homework created. 

IMPORTANT: You can only EDIT or UPDATE the homework if the students have not started answering the homework yet. You can only edit the date of submission and the title. You will see a notification like the one show below.

To track the number of submissions, the teacher's dashboard shows a NOTIFICATION BELL above. The notification bell will show the number of submissions in numerals, just like how you see it in social media platforms. Another way to check the submissions is to check the ride side of the dashboard and look for the button that says 'No. of submissions 0/1'

Looking at the image above, at the right side corner, you will see a button that says 'No. of submissions 0/1'. This means you have not received an answered homework yet from one student. If you have multiple students in one group, the denominator will show the exact number of students.

Example: If you have 25 students in one group, and only 5 submitted, the button should say 'No. of submissions 5/25'.

In one glance, the teachers can easily check if all students have already submitted before the deadline. 

To check the exact students who already submitted, please click the button that says 'No. of submissions 0/1'. Please see the picture below to see how it looks like. 

Teachers can also check the questions assigned to the student by clicking the BLUE button that says 0/15. This means that the student have not answered any question out of the 15 questions set by the teacher. 

A PDF file will open in a new tab to show the actual worksheet for homework. (***please disable pop-ups in your browser to show the worksheet for homework***)

The teacher can print out the worksheet for homework which will show the correct answer and solution for the student to use for review if needed. 

To print this sheet, press the RIGHT CLICK and choose PRINT. 

Teachers can also use the printed homework and use it during REVIEW SESSIONS. 


The classroom lesson feature was created in order for the teacher to customize teachings and be able to serve students of different skills and capabilities. Another use of the classroom lesson feature is for the students to be able to focus on the actual lessons at a given time frame. Take note that students have the tendency to be overwhelmed especially if all of the lessons are presented to them. In order to prevent this to happen, teachers can set a number of lessons at a given time for the students to access. 

Here's how to dashboard for students look like:

The SECOND FEATURE in the student dashboard is called the CLASSROOM LESSON. This is where the lessons set by the teacher at a given time will show. 

The difference between the CLASSROOM LESSON and the CHALLENGE YOURSELF feature is:

Classroom lessons - only shows selected lessons set by the teacher for students to practice.
Challenge yourself - shows the entire lessons set by the Department of Education of the Philippines from grades 1 to grades 6. This means, students can practice previous lessons or jump to advanced lessons. 

Let's go back to the teacher's dashboard for Classroom Lessons:

For the purpose of this manual, we are showing the number of classroom lessons already set by the teacher. To read the dashboard, Teacher Karen have set classroom lessons for Grade 4 section Smile with the lesson 'FRACTION'. 

Each lesson set can be EDITED or DELETED

Delete - Teachers can delete the lesson if the teacher set it by mistake or if the student is done with the lesson. 

Edit - if the teacher wants to edit the recipient of the lesson, the type of lesson set, and the type of questions (mechanical sums or problemsums)

Click SAVE once done.


The 'CREATE A WORKSHEET' is a feature where teachers can create a worksheet and print it without the need to send it to the students' account. The create a worksheet button can be found at the left side of the dashboard.

The purpose of this worksheet is for teachers to conveniently create worksheets that can be used as:

1. Test papers
2. Material for written activities 
3. Surprise quizzes
4. Assessment forms for centers
5. To create printed materials for teaching

To create a worksheet, follow the steps below:

Step 1: Click 'ADD NEW'

Step 2: Create a Worksheet Title, Set Number of Questions, Choose the type of questions (Mechanicalsums or Problemsums), Choose grade level, and choose the actual lessons. 

For the purpose of this manual, let's set the following:

1. Worksheet title - SAMPLE WORKSHEET
2. Type of questions - Mechanicalsums
3. Grade level - grade 2
4. Number of questions - 10
5. Lesson - Addition

If you have set the same information, this is how your dashboard should look like:

Now let us choose SKILL 1 - Add 1-digit numbers to 3-digit numbers without regrouping

Initially, if the account of your students are new, the system will give out EASY questions first. 

One of the principles of Singapore Math is to build a very strong foundation at the very start. This means students are expected to achieve MASTERY not just in answering math questions, but to be able to use the actual techniques of Singapore Math which they will benefit from once these said techniques starts come out of them naturally when they are answering questions. 

Some students may be very good in Math right now. They may have acquired the skills in answering math the traditional way. If they are, then it would be very easy for them to TRANSITION from solving math problems using the long method, to using the techniques of Singapore Math. 

Here's an example:

The first question asks the student to calculate: 135 + 1 = ?

Instead of immediately answering the question mentally with 136, let them do NUMBER BONDS (draw and illustrate) in order for them to practice this technique and aim to make it come out of the students naturally eventually. 

Teachers are encouraged to use other techniques in order to start introducing the Singaporean Math techniques to students. (another example is Ten Frames)

Teach the students to draw and illustrate. Teach them the PICTORIAL approach and make them realize the value of it especially once they start answering more challenging questions as they progress. 

Going back to the dashboard of Create Worksheet, if the teacher is already satisfied with the questions picked by the system, next thing to do is to click the GREEN BUTTON that says 'Add to Worksheet'

The dashboard should look like this:

As you can see, the questions has been transferred to the right side of the dashboard under 'WORKSHEET QUESTIONS' indicating the number of items (in this example, we have 10 questions)

The teacher can now PRINT the worksheet or choose more questions from different skill levels. 

NOTE: The teacher can mix questions from different grade levels, different types of questions from different lessons in one worksheet too. 

Click SAVE to save the worksheet for future printing.

Click 'Back to List' to check the saved worksheets for future printing. 


The progress report feature is a very important feature of our system. This will provide the teachers the information pertaining to the number of lessons that have been mastered by each student, the lessons that have been completed by the student and the lessons where the students need help.

This means that in one glance, the teacher can see where the LEARNING GAP is. 

This is how the progress report looks like:

To read the report, Chantal was able to master 7 lessons, 1 lesson where she passed, 3 lessons that needs improvement and one incomplete.To view the lessons, click the the name of the student and the system will show you the lessons with the corresponding badge. 


The 'Create a Homework' feature is a very useful feature that will help teachers easily assess students' capability and at the same time create activities that children can do at home. This feature also allows teachers to maximize their time because homework activities can be prepared ahead of time for future use. 

To start creating a homework, please click the 'Yellow Button' at the left side of the dashboard. 

Next, choose the Grade level and type of question (Mechanicalsums or Problemsums) from the drop down menu at the left side of the dashboard. 

By choosing the grade level and type of questions, the system will list down the number of lessons available per grade level. 

Put a Title to your homework. For the purpose of this manual, let's assign 'MATH OLYMPIAD HOMEWORK 1' for the sample title. 

Let's set a time frame of:

Start: January 28, 2020
End: January 29, 2020

NOTE: Teachers can prepare multiple homework good for one week, one month and so on. The teacher just needs to set a start date and a deadline of submission. Homework will only be accessible by your students on the day of your chosen start date.

Next, choose to whom do you wish to send the homework to. 

NOTE: Please take a look at the image below. The one in the yellow circle are the groups prepared for your school / center and the sub-groups that you have created. It is important that you make sure to group your students accordingly in order to prevent them to receive duplicate homework. 


For example, looking at the groups created above, we have:

GROUPS (Created by default by Little Newton)

1. Grade 1 Funny
2. Grade 2 Beautiful
3. Grade 3 Generous
4. Grade 4  Smile
5. Grade 5 Fantastic
6. Grade 6 Joy

SUB GROUP (Created by Teacher)

1. Math Olympiads

Let's say the MATH OLYMPIADS group are composed of students from Grade 1 - 3, this means some students are linked to two groups (one from the grade they belong to and the other one is the math olympiad group).

If the teacher sends homework to Grade 1 Funny and Math Olympiads, All of the students in Grade 1 Funny as well as ALL the students from Math Olympiads will get it. Students who are math olympiad will then get the same homework as what they received as being a member of Grade 1 Funny.

To avoid this to happen, teachers must group their students accordingly which will be useful when sending homework. 

Going back to creating a homework.....

Teachers can now select the lesson they want to get questions from to create the homework. For the purpose of this manual, let's choose 'ADDITION WITHIN 10'.

set the number of items you wish to have and select the level of difficulty

DIFFICULT - normally students will get word problems for difficult questions. If the type of question is under mechanical, the system will give questions with a mix of equations and word problems.

If the teacher is not satisfied with the questions selected by the system, the teacher can click 'REFRESH' to get a different set of questions. 

The teacher can also RANDOMIZE the questions. Click 'RANDOMIZE'

The teacher can also PRINT the homework. However, teachers can only print the homework once it is assigned to the students. 

Printing homework is useful for review sessions, classroom activity and discussion. 

Once you are done doing the homework, click ASSIGN. 

Once assigned, you may go to the HOMEWORK TRACKING feature to check the homework you have created and the progress of submission. 


1. Lesson Plan - the lesson plan feature is a useful feature for teachers. This includes the objectives, summary of the lesson, suggested activities to students and more! Teachers can use the prepared lesson plan for students or use it in conjunction to their personal lesson plans. 

To use the Lesson Plan, just set the following: Grade level, Type of Questions and Actual Title of the Lesson

NOTE: All lesson plans are only in the MECHANICAL SUMS section.

Click 'VIEW LESSON' and a PDF file will pop-up

Hoover your mouse pointer at the top of the Lesson Plan to Print or Download Lesson Plan

If you have more questions, message the ADMIN

Admin will be available to assist you every Monday - Friday, 9am to 5pm.


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